Pedal Plane Gatherings
NEW WORLD RECORD - 59 pedal planes gathered at Old Warden on Wednesday 29th December 2021
We will be posting up more details of this superb event shortly - please come back again soon.
The UK has an annual competition of gathering as many pedal planes together in one place as possible, with our esteemed colleagues in the USA - the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association).
The UK first set the trend going in September 2015, when YES (Co-ordinated by Andre Faehndrich) gathered 15x pedal planes at the
Brooklands Museum Aviation Day.
With no event in 2016, YES upped the ante in October 2017 with 24x pedal planes.
The EAA then joined in and at Oshkosh in July 2018 they gathered 28x pedal planes. In September 2018, YES then gathered 31x pedal palnes together, and took the record back.

Feed me! – USA gathering of 28x in July 2018 in front of the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, who looks about to have lunch!!.
With COVID, both the Oshkosh July 2020, and then later that year the UK attempts, were both postponed.
There was however a Virtual Pedal Plane Parade 2020, and you can see the two UK entries with "Barney the Border Collie" acting as Rear Gunner!!.
Covid continued to cause disruption and once again Oshkosh 2021 and a possible attempt at an Australian record at the Australian International Airshow and Aerospace & Defence Exposition in Avalon on 23rd to 28th November 2021 also fell victim to continued restrictions.
Latest News -
The UK will take on and hopefully beat the current record gathering of 53x, at Old Warden on Wednesday December 29th, in another combination YES/The Plane Guy event.
Having the UK gathering in December, means that in a future, each side of the Atlantic retains their record for 6 months each, rather than 9-10 months (for the UK) and 2-3 months (for the USA) previously.
Andre reckons there are approximately 70 to 75 pedal planes active in the UK, and so if you want to come along to help bring the record back to the UK, then please contact Andre Faehndrich directly by e-mail on andre.faehndrich@ntlworld.com
Andre would like to thank Mike Clews and The Joystick Club at White Waltham for their huge support at the UK events over the years and we look forward to taking the record back to the UK in December 2021.
For 2022, we can let “Battle re-Commence” in earnest 😊, with the USA in July at Oshkosh 2022 and the UK in December 2022, thus both sides of the Atlantic retaining the world record for 6 months each.